HVAC Tips to keep you cool


If you notice water leaking from your AC units, that could indicate a clogged drain line, or a disconnected drain line.

PRO TIP: You can try to un-clog the drain line by connecting a shop-vac to your outside line and sucking out anything that is stuck in the pipe. If that does not work, give us a call!


If your AC is power cycling (turning on and off repeatedly), there could be a few things wrong. We would need to come out to assess the unit to check for issues with the fans, condenser, or evaporator. Once we diagnose the root of the power cycling, we can give you a quote to fix it.


If your air conditioning system seems to be on, but is not blowing cool air, there may be an issue with debris in the condenser. If the condenser is not the problem, we would check for an issue with one of your filters, or possibly missing refrigerant insulation.


No one likes to hear rattling noises coming from a large appliance or machinery. If your AC is making rattling or chirping sounds, that could be an indication that something is wrong. We would check for one of the following problems:

Loose bearings

Loose belts

Fan rubbing the coils or cage

Loose panels


The vents in your home are what help maintain a steady airflow to and from your air conditioning systems. To help prevent any issues with your units, it is important to regularly change out your air filters. We suggest changing them once a month. We also suggest vacuuming any dust or debris away from your indoor vents.


Your ductwork is what carries your conditioned air throughout your home. If your ductwork is leaking, or not properly insulated, you are allowing cooled or heated air to escape into spaces that you don't need it to be in. This issue can cost you hundreds of dollars a year in wasted energy. Not to mention it makes it that much harder to maintain your desired temperature. Have a professional inspect your ducts when you schedule your AC maintenance.

Air Conditioning Maintenance in Odessa, FL

Air conditioning is one of those luxuries that many Floridians take for granted. We put it in the back of our minds until something goes wrong. But when something does go wrong, boy does it feel like a big deal. Here in the central Florida area, it goes without saying that we receive extremely hot weather. When your AC breaks down, your whole family suffers. A great way to prevent unexpected down time for your air conditioner is to have regular maintenance performed on your units. Southline Contracting Group offers AC maintenance services to residents in Odessa, FL and surrounding areas. We will inspect your system for any issues big or small, and get them resolved before they become a bigger problem.

Odessa's Air Conditioning Specialists

Southline Contracting Group is run by the South Brothers, who have over 20 years of experience in the construction and AC industry. When you hire Southline Contracting Group to take care of your AC or ductwork needs, you are hiring a reliable, trusted HVAC company. We stay up to date on all of the industries best practices, while retaining all of our experience and knowledge about heating and cooling systems. Many of the AC issues that we see, could have been avoided if the units had been properly installed or maintained by a professional AC company. When you notice anything strange or out of the ordinary when it comes to your HVAC system, give us a call. We would be happy to come out and give you an estimate. Call Us (813) 485-6765.

Our Services

As AC technicians, we are dedicated to providing you with quality, reliable AC services to meet all your needs in Odessa, FL and surrounding areas. Southline Contracting Group repairs, maintains, installs, and services all aspects of your AC system!

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